Life By Design Michelle Pratt Life By Design Michelle Pratt

My 6-week theory

A few years ago I came up with my 6-week theory.

It goes like this:

Whenever you start a new activity, stick at it for at least 6 weeks.

That's it-no quitting before week 6.

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Personal development Michelle Pratt Personal development Michelle Pratt

5 questions to ask yourself when you get stuck pursuing a goal 

Ever done this? You've set out to achieve something, you take action and slowly you start to see some progress unfold but then you get stuck and you can't seem to break through and finally crack it? 

When you find yourself in this situation it might be time to pause and reflect. Here are five questions to ask yourself when you get stuck. 

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Life By Design, Personal development Michelle Pratt Life By Design, Personal development Michelle Pratt

Being in two minds

Ever described yourself as being in two minds about something? Have you ever stopped to wonder if there's some meaning to that? 

In this blog I explore the difference between two types of thought, or processing, our minds use and the importance of appreciating the role each is designed to play. If you often experience a conflict between what you feel you should do and what you actually want to do, it might be helpful to ask "Am I using the best part of my brain to solve the problem?"

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