What I Learnt on the Hop Desk

I often like to work in public spaces as I like the atmosphere and the company but working out of a bar was new to me. In December I was pleased to learn I had won the hopdesk in Brewdog Manchester and took up the offer of an alternative workspace. Here's what I learnt: 

The importance of the right workspace

 I've spent time in co-working venues and cafes but I can honestly say I've never considered working out of a bar before. It felt odd setting up my laptop whilst other people were having a pint. However as soon as I got into it I began to wonder why I'd never thought of it before. It's a great space, free wifi, lots of people, awesome background music and the atmosphere is spot on for concentrating on what you're doing.  

It's a networking opportunity: 

On my first day on the hopdesk I heard conversations around the bar. The people on the table next to me were discussing digital marketing. One guy was giving another guy advice on how to market his business and he was talking a lot of sense. More than that he was pushing his friend to be bolder in his business and by the time they had finished their beers the chap on the receiving end of the advice had a whole new outlook on his business. Bars are full of people dispensing advice. Some of it is bluster, some of it is beer fuelled but some of it is a result of people feeling more relaxed and being able to talk without inhibition. Had I overheard that conversation on anything other than my first day, I would have gone over and introduced myself to see if I could join the discussion. 

Start a mission not a business

I had already bought the Business for Punks book as soon as it came out. Brewdog is a company I admire (and I am a shareholder in) so I was keen to read it. The very first chapter captured my imagination. Start a mission not a business it said. This was the message I needed. it immediately reminded me why I left corporate life. I hated having to compromise and do things that were OK but didn't work in the long term. I was fed up of having to sacrifice good ideas due to cuts and constraints. It lighted a spark in me and reminded me why I opted for self-employment in the first place. 

The staff are lovely

After spending time working in the bar I got to know the staff. They are a lovely bunch and it was great to get to know some of them. Now when I go back it's great to see friendly faces. The friendly atmosphere they created inspired me to get talking to other people so I made a sign saying "Hopdesk. Feel free to chat to me". It was a great way to spread the word about the business I've set up and gather ideas from people and get feedback. 

My alcohol tolerance far exceeds my caffeine tolerance

Brewdog coffee is good stuff. I drink tea and coffee but I usually opt for decaf. If like me you generally avoid caffeine you might be better off starting with a cappuccino or a latte! 

It was a great experience and I've been back since and I will certainly go back again. In fact, I'm wondering if any other business punks out there would like to join me???


The Myth of Will Power