Personal development Michelle Pratt Personal development Michelle Pratt

How (and why) to review an Annus Horribilis

Whether 2020 saw your business booming or if you heard nothing but tumbleweed, it's fair to say it was uncertain, changeable and hard to predict. In this blog, I’ll share why you should reflect on this year (even if you don't feel like it), how to extract some good from it and how to use it to prepare for an equally uncertain 2021

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Life By Design Michelle Pratt Life By Design Michelle Pratt

My 6-week theory

A few years ago I came up with my 6-week theory.

It goes like this:

Whenever you start a new activity, stick at it for at least 6 weeks.

That's it-no quitting before week 6.

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Book Club Michelle Pratt Book Club Michelle Pratt

Business Book Club: The ones that didn't make it

You may have been following my business book club blog over the last 12 months, where I've been reviewing the best self-improvement and business books and sharing the knowledge with you. What you might not know, is that there are a number of books that didn't quite make it. Not only did I read 12 books over the course of the year, I actually attempted a few more that I didn't get around to reviewing. So to finish off last years book blogging I've decided to give you an overview of the ones that didn't quite make it.

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Personal development Michelle Pratt Personal development Michelle Pratt

Brainwaves, Foreign Radio and Rowdy Politicians: 10 Homeworking Productivity Tips

Working from home means freedom from office life, but it also means being responsible for keeping yourself productive.

I’ve experimented with many different ways of tackling this problem over the years, with some successes, so here I share some techniques I’ve tried for keeping focused when working solo, along with my rating for how effective they are.

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Life By Design Michelle Pratt Life By Design Michelle Pratt

Proving your critics wrong or proving your fans right?

Fitspo' quotes. Do you love them or hate them? 

I love seeing quotes and memes on social media. Mostly on weight loss or fitness pages. I'm intrigued to see if I can tell what a person's motivations are. I think a lot of people post these quotes and memes to show how positive they are but they probably aren't aware that they are revealing more negativity than they realise. 

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Life By Design Michelle Pratt Life By Design Michelle Pratt

"Arghhh I can't believe I did that" OR knee-jerk reactions

A man came to see me recently because he's not happy with his body.

He's so desperate he wants to do whatever will get the weight off quickly. When someone is in this state I know they aren't very open to taking a long term view. They make a choice which relieves the 'eurghhh' feeling but this is rarely a choice that feels good or is right for them in the medium or long term. My prediction is that unless he sees weight come off and can get into a state where he is thinking more clearly, he will give up before he even gets going. Most people do this. 

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